Our Team
We are a thoughtful and joy-filled community of committed Christ-followers, diverse in gifts, passions, and perspectives, held together by the Holy Spirit in our shared love for God and love for neighbor.

Email Ryan
Pastor Ryan was called to Third Reformed Church in the spring of 2021. He is thrilled to serve the Triune God as part of a vibrant ministry with dedicated people and a gifted staff. As Pastor of Leadership and Preaching, he loves working in a collaborative environment where the gifts of everyone are welcomed and celebrated. He is passionate about the preaching of the Word of God helping people catch a vision for how God is working in the world. He received his Doctorate of Ministry in 2016 from Western Theological Seminary, focusing on the liturgy of the Church, the Eucharist, and the ordinary, everyday meals we share with one another. He is excited, thinking about all the ways the liturgy of the church can help form and shape and equip all God’s people. He loves to run long distances, swim in Lake Michigan, eat good food with others, and laugh a lot. Most of all, Ryan loves to share his life and ministry with his wife, and best friend, Megan. Together they have four children.

Email Janelle
Pastor Janelle’s job title reflects her many passions for ministry at TRC, where she is active in planning worship, liturgy, and preaching, as well as supporting the work of our Children’s and Youth ministries. With her husband, Pastor Angel, she co-leads the Spanish-speaking ministry within the TRC family. A highlight of the week for Pastor Janelle is L.I.F.T. on Wednesday nights– when so many of these parts of our LIfe In Faith flow Together! Pastor Janelle enjoys cooking and hates washing dishes; adores long walks but not running, and her favorite daydreams are about traveling somewhere she’s never been before, especially following the pandemic. Pastors Janelle and Angel have two delightful daughters, and live a short stroll from TRC.

Email Angel
Pastor Angel has a passion for local and global mission that is hard to miss! With a life lived in-between cultures in Chiapas, Mexico, then Canada, and now Michigan, Pastor Angel is deeply committed to welcoming immigrants and newcomers, and walking with them in big and small experiences that come with starting life in a new home. Moreover, he is teaching us all how to do the same; with humor, grace and wisdom, Pastor Angel loves to help build bridges in our congregation and see the connections that God is making to flourish. Angel is involved in many aspects of advocacy, discipleship, outreach, and pastoral care. Pastor Angel can’t live without coffee, but never makes it himself. He always has time for a quick visit or a long talk, and he is always, always up for a road trip!

Email Hunter
Hunter C. Brumels began working at Third Reformed as the Director of Youth Ministries in June 2018. He is a graduate of Hope College, majoring in Political Science, holds a Masters in Divinity from Western Theological Seminary, and is ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Church in America.

Email Linda
Since 1996, Linda Strouf has served as Minister of Music at Third Reformed Church, where she plays the organ, leads the adult singing choirs and the handbell choir, and oversees the youth music program. Linda is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music at Hope College, where she has taught a variety of courses since 1988.

Email Amy
Amy professes to have the best job in the world, and the rest of the staff humor her in this belief. A member of Third since 2009, she signed on as administrator in 2019 and hasn’t looked back. Her three kids and her husband keep her busy when she’s not at church and live in fear that they’ll be asked to volunteer for some random thing at any time.

Email Kristen
Kristen has been keeping the office running smoothly for over 25 years! If you have a question and Kristen doesn’t have the answer (or know where to find it), it’s probably unanswerable! A dedicated volleyball player and avid reader in her off time, Kristen is an indispensable part of the Third team.

Email Mark
Speaking of indispensable team members, Mark has been taking care of the building and grounds at Third for over a quarter century. His patience and attention to detail keep the gears of the church activities moving smoothly. When he’s not here, he’s enjoying kids, grandkids, and probably watching football.

Email Curtis
Curtis brings enormous gifts to our team in the form of Audio Visual knowledge, musicianship, and passion for Jesus. If you come to El Encuentro, our Spanish service, chances are you’ll hear him on guitar and singing. When he’s not performing feats of electronic acrobatics here, he’s enjoying his family, friends, and Honey, their dog.
Jim Neevel
Treasury Coordinator
Dave Vanderwel
Curtis Pierce – Lead
Aspen Boes
Jack Bolt
Marj Hoekstra
David Krieger
Sam Lunn
Mike Rannow
Steve Orlow
Governing Elders
Those who primarily provide administrative leadership to the congregation.
Ellen Awad, Vice President of Consistory
Matt De Jongh
Harold Gazan
John Hoekstra
Yasser Palacios-Perez
Scott Remenschneider
Karen Stam
Mary Toppen-Palma
Jody Vanderwel
Doug Walvoord
Care Elders
Those who primarily provide spiritual care to the congregation. Each family of the church is placed in an elder care quadrant. The elders, along with volunteers, respond to congregational members in times of joy and sorrow.
Southwest Quadrant
Jeanette Beagley
Southeast Quadrant
Kathy Miedema
Northwest Quadrant
Mary DeWitt
Northeast Quadrant
Lynne Hubers
Those who provide ministries of mercy and compassion to the congregation and beyond.
Bruce Bassett
Laura Baer
Bethany Bulthuis
Roger DeYoung
Mark Genzink
Pablo Perez
Sandy Stielstra
Lucia Torres
Jim VanderMeer
Jeff Voskuil