Director of Faith Formation


Third Reformed Church is seeking an energetic, Biblically-grounded and imaginative individual to join our ministry staff and help us fulfill the call in which God is leading us, focused on ministry for K-12th grades. 

Third is a congregation that has been growing and expanding in very exciting ways over the last few years. Our youth and children’s ministries have always been dedicated to discipling young people and engaging families both within, and beyond, our congregation. Over the last 5 years we have also been intentional as a whole church to grow in becoming a bilingual congregation of English and Spanish speakers. Remarkably, our historic, established Dutch-heritage church has become home to many immigrants from Central and South America, many with complex stories of fleeing their home countries. We offer two worship services each Sunday, one in English at 10:00 a.m., and one at 11:30 a.m. in Spanish—and are intent on providing a Christian Education hour (Sunday School) that can welcome and engage the families that attend both services! Our ministry for students is at a notable benchmark—we have comparable numbers of students from both Spanish and English-speaking homes. 

We believe the next generation of our church is being shaped right before our eyes—as children from many different backgrounds are baptized and cherished and taught in worship centers and activities, and as youth explore their growing faith in worship and classes, Confession of Faith, and mission trips. We are prayerfully searching for a person with a passion for discipleship ministry with students, who is highly collaborative and flexible, with an agility to proactively bridge our languages and cultural distinctions. They will take the lead in cultivating a K-12 Christian Education program that purposes to establish and deepen all students’ faith in Jesus, within their covenantal belonging in our church family. This position is supported by a gifted and creative crew of volunteers working together to develop and lead the programs and share Christ with our students, and this candidate will join our pastors and staff in a supportive, friendly and upbeat team where we value shared learning and shared leading, and work together to carry out the ministry of the church.  

Job Description


Basic Functions

The Director of Faith Formation is responsible for the ministries for pre-k through 12th grade at Third Reformed Church, focusing on their faith formation into the body of Christ and celebrating the intergenerational connections we share as a local expression of the global church. This involves teaching, modeling, and leading children and youth into an understanding of both the content of Christian faith and what it means to live it out, through both direct involvement and the supervision of activities during our two worship services, Sunday Christian Education, Middle School and High School Youth Groups, and other church programming.

Specific Responsibilities 

  1. Curriculum and Programming
    1. Develop and maintain two distinct yet related discipleship tracks for children ages pre-k through 5th grade (Children’s Ministry), and ages 6th to 12th grade (Youth Ministry) and beyond with goals and marks in their discipleship journey.
    2. Children’s Ministry
      1. Select Sunday school curriculum and create instructional groupings.
      2. Work with the pastors to ensure this curriculum lays the foundations for Confession of Faith.
      3. Ensure teachers have the necessary supplies, etc. to teach their classes.
      4. Supervise the Young Levites program for children in grades 3-5 who meet twice per month during the school year on Sunday mornings during the first service.
      5. Supervise the Children and Worship program which works with children ages pre-k through 2nd grade every Sunday of the school year.
      6. Initiate and oversee the Wednesday evening children’s LIFT (Life In Faith Together) activities. LIFT is our mid-week gathering for dinner and classes/activities and runs during the fall and spring semesters of the school year. 
    3. Youth Ministry
      1. Plan and facilitate youth group meetings, Bible studies, and other events that foster faith and faithfulness in the Youth Ministry age group through what is taught and experienced. 
      2. Develop and implement short-term and long-term service-learning opportunities for the Youth Ministries group.
      3. Develop and lead the process of Profession of Faith, including paring students with mentors and clarifying dates and expectations.
  2. Volunteer Management
    1. Oversee, and recruit as needed, Sunday School teachers for the Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry programs.
    2. Oversee, and recruit as needed, leaders for the Young Levite and Children in Worship programs.
    3. Oversee, and recruit as needed, leaders for the Middle and High School Youth Groups.
    4. Maintain an up-to-date substitute list for volunteer leaders.
  3. General Oversight and Resource Management
    1. Maintain art table in the sanctuary
    2. Develop and maintain the Family Room space
  4. Church Ministries
    1. Actively participate in the worship life of the church and encourage youth, children, and their families to do this as well.
    2. Regularly offer your gifts in worship through leading the congregation in the liturgy, prayers, and in special services.
    3. Attend and be familiar with both the 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM services when
    4. not teaching.
    5. Maintain appropriate social and mentoring relationships with the youth including those who may not be regular participants in the youth programs; get to know both the Spanish-speaking and English-speaking families and students of our congregation
    6. With staff and volunteers help organize the church retreat.
    7. Organize and lead Outreach events in collaboration with staff:
      1. Summer LIFT – our six-week summer edition of our LIFT program.
      2. Backyard Bash, the annual fall programming and LIFT Launch party.
      3. Retreat Programming. We hold an all-church retreat every March for one weekend (Friday – Sunday).
      4. Christmas Program


  1. Bilingual in English/Spanish preferred.
  2. This position does not require ordination but is open to candidates pursuing ordination.

Accountability and Support

  1. Works under the supervision of the Senior Pastor of Preaching, Leadership and Vision. The primary annual evaluation will be conducted by the Senior Pastor with assistance from the Personnel Committee.
  2. Attends church staff meetings.
  3. Communicates office hours and schedule.
  4. Works cooperatively with the ministry team.
  5. Maintains close communication with the church administrator and head custodian regarding use of facilities and requesting or ordering material needs as well as other logistical considerations for programs or youth activities.


The Director of Faith Formation is a full-time, regular, exempt contract position at 40 hours per week.


Benefits for full time employees at Third Reformed Church include the following:

  • Retirement
    • Third Reformed Church has a defined contribution 403(b) plan in place to encourage you to plan for your retirement. We use the RCA 403(b) Fidelity Retirement Program as the provider for our retirement plan.
  • Medical, Eye, and Dental Insurance
    • Third Reformed Church provides medical and dental insurance for all eligible full-time employees and their families if they do not have coverage through another family member’s insurance plan. In the event employees choose to maintain coverage through their spouse, reimbursement for any out-of-pocket premiums paid by the family for that coverage will be paid by the church up to the cost of coverage under Third Reformed Church’s policy.
    • Currently employees are not required to pay a co-pay on the monthly premiums that the church pays for that coverage. This is, however, subject to change in the event increasing costs and/or budgetary constraints necessitate revising employee participation in the payment of premiums.
  • Long Term Disability Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Paid Holidays. When support services are required on a paid holiday, equivalent time off is provided.
  • Paid vacation